Innistćđulaus Tékki !

Ţađ má semsagt segja ađ Tékkar séu frekar innistćđulausir ţegar ţeir fara í frí til Króatíu :) Ok ég verđ ađ láta einn góđann fjúka međ...vona ađ allir skilji hann en ef ekki...töff luck !

A guy from the Check Republic went to New York to visit a Jewish friend of his. The Jew took him all over New York and showed him all the exiting stuff which makes New York so famous.

They went to the Statue of Liberty, to the Ground Zero site, to the Empire State Building and so on. Well, then they went to the New York Zoo. What a great treat those was for the Check, he saw the monkeys and really laugh out loud when they scratched their asses and smelled their fingers afterwards and he rolled over with joy as the Camels spit water on the bystanders. Then they went to see the Polar Bears in the Polar bear pit. The Check throws his half eaten hot dog at the Polar Bear and one of them came swimming and ate the Hot Dog.

The Check really rolled over and pointed towards the Polar Bear and screamed „You Stupid Hot Dog eating Polar Bear“ and he laughed so hard that he actually fell into the Polar Bear pit !!! One of the two Polar bears came swimming and ate him up!!The Jewish friend of his started to scream „Zoo-keeper, Zoo-keeper“, my friend fell into the Polar Bear pit!! The Zoo-keeper came running with a big big knife in his hand. Which was it, he yelled, was it the male or was it the female? It was the male, the Jew said, it was the male! The zoo-keeper jumped into the Polar Bear pit and swam to the male polar bear and cut it open with one big gesture. Nothing inside except half eaten hot dog!?So my friends, what is the moral of this story?

Never trust a Jew when he tells you „The Check is in the Male"


Jew Nordquist Pylsubann angrar Tékka
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